Founded in 1996, METTO is one of the leading private companies in China that engage in editing,ublishing and distributing of interior and architectural books and magazines.
From 2002 to 2012, METTO has annually released the entry works collection of Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards (APIDA), the most influential one in its region, and right now the book series has become one of the most professional and well-received books inside the industry. Besides, METTO has established partnerships with numerous distinguished designers in the local area. With elaborate design and compiling, METTO has published many sensational personal works collections including Steve Leung 60 30 20 series, Patrick Leung
Interiors Volume 2: Villa Design Collection, 1+ Decoding etc.
METTO is sincerely looking forward to establishing long-term cooperative relations with designers, publishers and distributors across the world in terms of book co-editing, publishing and distributing.
从2002年至2012年,创福美图每年都会推出亚太地区最具影响力的“APIDA亚太室内设计大奖”的系列专集,如今该系列丛书已经成为了本地区室内设计行业中最受欢迎的高水准专业丛书之一,在设计师及读者中赢得了极佳的口碑。除此之外,公司还与本地区众多知名设计师建立起了良好的合作关系,精心策划并出版了不少精美的设计专辑,如《梁志天60 30 20》系列、《梁景华设计第二辑:派意在观澜》、《解码1+》等,在业内都获得了极好的反响和肯定。
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